Welcome! Here’s some stuff from the ‘lab…

Garmin Connect Watch Face: 3D KJG III (Digital)

This watch face renders the time in 3D & 3-point perspective. Something fun and functional for fans of art, architecture and typography.

KJG stands for the late artist Kim Jung Gi. I got fooled into thinking I can draw better with perspectives after watching his Youtube videos. Then I realized I’m better at programming and wondered… what if we have a 3D design on our 2D watch faces? We are in the 21st century after all so it’s lame to still be trapped in 2D-land.

So, I used this chance to brush up on Computer Graphics and swiped some code online for doing 3D perspective projection onto a 2D watch face.

Garmin Connect Watch Face: Amaterasu (Analog)

“Welcome to Space Ship Earth. This is your personal Celestial Chronometer — your navigation companion during your orbital stay at Sun Station G2V.”

Transform your watch into a 24/7 personal astro computer. This watch face uses your GPS location and local time for live calculations of visible celestial events.

Enjoy the ecliptic dance of the sun, moon, stars & planets & appreciate natural phenomena like seasons, analemmas, eclipses & tides. Reflect on our place in a solar system that’s forever in motion. Learn celestial navigation using the sky — day or night.

Garmin Connect Watch Face: 2pi Pulse Halo (Digital, Analog)

A minimal + fast watchface that draws your heartrate history as a radial chart. Your pulse data turns into personal art on your watchface. A reminder that time is not a straight line. But a dimension with no beginning and no end. As the chart sweeps around the clock, new data erases old data. Nothing is forever and tomorrow’s a new adventure. The watchface is powered by your pulse. It comes to life when you put it on. When your pulse stops, it stops too.

DragonScript Arena (dragonscriptarena.com)

A Javascript programming strategy game and coding club. Teaches students Javascript & Software Engineering. Build your own Dragon A.I.! Imagine Battlebots, but with robot dragons. For Grades 9+.

Featured on: code.org, hourofcode.com, csedweek.org, gamejolt.com, itch.io & Dashiel@youtube

GO Battle Log (gobattlelog.com)

The world’s largest crowd-sourced Pokemon GO PvP battle database. Your personal battle & team analyzer and home of the Anti-Meta Generator 3000.

Featured on: JRskatr@youtube [1, 2], PogoKieng@youtube

Secret Spyno (Chrome extension)

Do you find yourself hopping all over the Internet to check different websites to get your daily (or hourly) news fix? You don’t need to anymore! Spyno brings everything together into one place.

Spyno follows websites, monitors ticket prices, spies homes for sale, tracks weather and almost anything else you train him to do. Think of him as your personal “spy lizard”. This trusty theropod will scour the Internet like a truffle hog to fetch you the latest bites from your favorite websites. He’ll organize them for you into your very own, personal, LIVE newspaper.

Writing Analyzer (writinganalyzer.appspot.com)

Featuring Emotion and Stylometry Analyzers powered by the BERT Machine Learning language model. The models run in the browser with the help of onnxruntime-web and tfjs.

The Emotion Analyzer uses a GoEmotion model, while the demo Stylometry Analyzer was trained to recognize the writing styles of copywriters Gary Halbert and John Carlton. It can be re-trained in under 30 minutes to learn any author’s style, given enough writing samples.
